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Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Zleqha, another masterpiece!

Zleqha, one of the big name in Muslimah Fashion.
Dila suka sangat tengok their design. Most of it very modest, yet very classy to wear.
This is what I'm craving for my wedding dress.
Something sweet, modest, comfort and elegant.
People might judge its look toooo simple for a wedding,
but for me its damn PERFECT!

pic courtesy to : Zleqha blogspot
classic look..me like! :)

arghh..selesanya.. suka sgt!

Berangan cantik mcm model if pakai cmni..huhu

suruh mama buat baju gini utk resepsi,
mama kt nt end up look like preggy woman.. *perut Dila kempis boncit.. ala,corset kan ad Ma.. :(

English style..mcm cntik je

Mama suruh pakai tudung gini nt, takut senget benget la dpt kat Dila nt..huhu

* Mama, I really want one of this design as my wedding dress.. Please Mama, make one for me. :)


  1. yg 2nd last tu lawa klu buat baju wedding hehe

    1. lawa,kalo org kurus pakai.. if sarung nangka mcm Dila, harapan lerrr.. :3

  2. cantek dear..bila majlisnyaa

  3. mama one for me too. hehe.
    cantik dear baju2 zleqha.
    harga pn boleh tahan.
    menanes.. tssk.

    1. Sarah...tak tertahan rega dea...huee... sbb tu kena mama yg buat, FOC.. sedia material je..huhu
